SEQUENZ is about the species „Mensch“ (Humans) and the evolution of human consciousness.
1. Troglodyt 04:08
2. Anamnesis 06:05
3. Arche 07:09
4. Idola Tribus 05:16
5. Idola Specus 06:24
6. Idola Fori 06:46
7. Idola Theatri 06:35
8. Logos 04:10
9. Arete 04:53
10. Panta Rhei 05:12

released August 5th, 2022
instruments: algomusic string synthesizer, arturia augmented voices, arturia jup-8v, arturia mellotron v, arturia mini v, arturia modular, arturia piano v, arturia pigments, arturia synthi v, bitwig drum machine, bitwig drummachine, bitwig e-clap, bitwig e-kick, bitwig e-snare, bitwig polygrid, bitwig polymer, bitwig polysynth, bitwig sampler, decent sampler, ni kontakt, ni kontakt 6, ni reaktor, novation v-station, roland tb-303, spitfire audio labs, synapse dune 3, synth1, tb 303, u-he repro 1, xfer serum, xln audio addictive drummer, xln audio xo
fx: arts acoustic big rock, arturia delay-tape 201, arturia pre 1973, audiority space station, baby audio spaced out, bitwig fxgrid, cableguys halftime, cymatics space, eventide blackhole, gf m-tron pro, kazrog synth warmer, ni electric lady flanger, sound toys echoboy, sugar bytes looperator, u-he repro 1, u-he satin, valhallaroom, valhallashimmer, valhallasupermassive, valhallavintageverb, waves h-delay stereo, xln audio rc-20, zynaptic intensity
tools: bitwig studio, gullfoss master, izotope ozone 9, izotope ozone 8, izotope neutron 3
composed, written and produced by fredy engel 2022
design // artwork: frza
„Just wow. Wonderful music, perfect arrangements, great sounds, foot-stomping-amazing sequencers, everything is played and mastered so beautyfully.“
„Dark athmospheric synthscapes … Favorite track: Anamnesis“ Leitfrequenz